+ Is registration (Anmeldung) possible?

Yes it is!

+ Are pets allowed?

We love pets (especially dogs) but unfortunately we have a no-pet policy because of possible allergies of other members.

+ How big are the rooms?

Most of our rooms are around 20 sqm.

+ Is there a minimum length of stay/ rental period?

Yes, our minimum rental period is 6 months. BUT after, you can stay as long as you want, since we have a one month cancelation period (after the 5th month). In other words, our rental contracts are unlimited and only you can decide when to cancel the contract and move out.

+ How many people are sharing bathrooms and kitchens?

Usually, 2-3 people are sharing showers and kitchens in our coliving apartments. However, we have one coliving apartment where 4 people are sharing shower and kitchen. It goes without saying, that our private apartments have private bathrooms and kitchen.

+ What is the price of the rooms?

That depends on the size of the room. Most of our rooms are quite spacious and cost 750-800€. We have a couple of smaller(around 15-20sqm) and/ or unfurnished rooms though which cost 600-700€.

+ Are the kitchens fully equipped (pans, dishes etc.)?

Yes! And if you realize that something is missing, just let us know!

+ Do you have a waitlist? Can you put me on the waitlist, if there is no free room available?

Since we only have very limited space (rooms and apartments), we are usually booked out. BUT ss soon as you send us your application, we will review it and decide if you will join our "pool of applicants". If there is a free room we will go through this "pool of applicants" and select applicants that, we think, would fit well to the other members, who currently live in that apartment, so that we make sure that we find the right person for the apartment and our community as a whole.

+ How does the application process work?

It starts with your online application. In case we have a free room, our Happy Pigeons Team make a pre-selection, meaning we choose a couple of applicants that we think are a great fit for the apartment and its tenents. After our pre-selection, you will be invited to talk to one of our Coliving members inside that apartment. In the end, we take the decision together with our members. Since we only have very limited space (rooms and apartments), we are usually booked out. BUT ss soon as you send us an application, we will review it and decide if you will join our "pool of applicants". If there is a free room we will go through this "pool of applicants" and select the ones that, we think, would fit well to the other members, who currently live in that apartment and the community as a whole.

+ Can I visit the coliving before moving in?

Our coliving apartments are the home of our members. Therefore we only do visits if we have a free room to respect our colivers privacy. However, You can always visit our coworking space or come by for a coffe and chat.

+ Is access to the coworking included if I rent a room in the coliving?


+ Is the coworking located in the same building of the coliving space?

Yes the coworking is located in our Prenzlauer Berg location. We do not have a coworking in Charlottenburg but, of course, all Charlottenburg pigeons also have 24/7 access to the Coworking in prenzlauer Berg.

+ What are the differences between our Charlottenburg and Prenzlauer Berg Locations?

The main difference is the amount of people living in each location. Our Prenzlauer Berg location is our main location with around 30 people living and working here. Charlottenburg is more like a satelite location, with 6 pigeons living there, where you can still enjoy our community life and ALSO have plenty of privacy.

+ Do you have rooms for couples?

In theory, yes. However, there is only very few rooms, that are suitable for couples, so practically the chances are quite low. The same is true for two rooms in one apartment. Only in very rare occasions that happens.